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Kuvia tylsään päivään

Hauskoja kuvia.
Useat jopa sellaisia, etten ole ennen törmännyt.
Howstrange, B3TA, Limpfish...
Katso linkit Howstrange.comista.

Löytyi täältä.


Mahtava animaatio

Hosted by Putfile.com:

Eye of the Tiger

Kaverilla aikamoine pokka. Rocky!

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Miksi miesten ei pitäisi tanssia...

Voisin katsoa tätä tuntikausia...

Hosted by Putfile.com(gif)


Ei oo Triumphin voittanutta!

Valkoisessa talossa, (mov).

Star Wars, klassikko (googlevideo).

Bon Jovin keikalla, (googlevideo).


Osaavia soittajia

The Guitar Trio (Live In Loreley)
Olisi hauska kuulla, mitä nämä saisivat aikaan sähkökitaralla.


Lisää ihme kitaristeja...

Stanley Jordan

Aika tsääs!


Huh huh!

COB:n pojat pistää klassista.
Ei kovin omaperäistä, mutta hienoa.


Suosituksia (melkein sukua julkkikselle -postaus)

Kyselin aikoinaan Arjen Lucassenin message boardilta musiikkisuosituksia ja itse Ed Warby, Arjenin rumpalin (ja myös Gorefest) vastasi:

"Pink Floyd: definitely Wish You Were Here and Animals. The Wall is mostly great, although somewhat oppressive. I would not recommend either Atom Heart Mother or Ummagumma. Meddle has some great cuts (including the terrific instrumental One Of These Days) but also some average. The Barrett stuff really has nothing to do with the Floyd of Dark Side. It's whimsical 60's psychedelica, great in its own right but definitely an acquired taste and not nearly as essential as most would have you believe.

Jethro Tull: besides the gorgeous Aqualung I love Songs From The Wood, Minstrel in the Gallery, Heavy Horses and the double live Bursting Out. Never been able to really get into the supposed masterpiece Thick as a Brick, although there are moments of briliance to be found there.

King Crimson has never been my cup of tea, I like some of In The Court... but that's mostly because of Greg Lake's voice.

Yes: now we're talking major classics! The Yes Album, Fragile and Close To The Edge are all must-have's. To round it off you might want to add the live classic Yessongs. And I'll make lots of enemies in saying so, but the rest should be avoided like the plague.

Genesis: Peter Gabriel era only, that's obvious. Most notably Selling England By The Pound and The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, but Nursery Cryme and Foxtrot are just as worthwhile. Genesis: Live also deserves a recommendation, despite not being very live at all.

Haven't had enough yet? You might wanna try the glorious excesses of the mighty ELP. Start with the eponymous debut and then work your way through Tarkus, Trilogy and especially Brain Salad Surgery. The overblown semi-classical extravaganza that is Pictures At An Exhibition should once again be avoided at all cost.

Hope that helps!

I'm jealous, I remember when I still had all those treasures to be discovered..."

Ja nyt, kun olen noita pikkuhiljaa keräillyt, voin yhtyä hänen mielipiteeseensä.

Vaikuttaa lupaavalta

Luo oma radioasema!

Vaikuttaa lupaavalta. Jotain tämmöistä olen kaipaillutkin.

MINUN ASEMA! Heavya, progea, juurevaa rockia yms.

The Dark Side Of The Moon A Cappella

The Dark Side Of The Moon A Cappella...
Jotain ärsyttävän ja mielenkiintoisen väliltä.


Google video


ja muutama löytö...

Jotenkin sairasta... Billy Sheehan. Tuo loppu saa kyllä hymyn huulille, on niin ponteva taisto. No, ei oo huono tuo Paul Gilbertkään. Tai Michael Angelo Batio.

Devin Townsend
En sitten tiedä, onko Devin niin loistava keulahahmo hihattomassa t-paidassaan, mutta biisit on kuuntelemisen arvoisia, vähintäänkin! War (mutta missä "duu-ab-bada"?), Regulated...

Strapping Young Lad - Love?

Megadeth - Holy Wars
Housut on tiukat, vaan niin on riffitkin.


Chuck Norris

Löytyi täältä...

Chuck Norris Facts!

"The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain."

"Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement."


Stairway to NENIOROJ

Tästä innostuneena päätin tutkia vanhan hittini uudestaan.

NENIOROJ (mp3, 1,5MB)
(kopioi linnki selaimeen)

Tuloksena oli ainakin...
"Ne talloo rinnettä kartalle..." 0:28 - 0:31

Muuten kuulostaa englannin ja venäjän sekoitukselta.

Everything I need to know...

I've learned from Iron Maiden.

Totta! :)